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The purpose of this committee is to provide guidelines to the students for filing a grievance in the Internal Grievance committee. This applies to all students who wish to file a grievance related to any issue in the Internal Grievance committee.

Procedure – 

The following steps should be followed to file a grievance:
a. The student should approach the concerned faculty member or head of the department to resolve the issue informally. If the issue is not resolved informally, the student should proceed to the next step.
b. The student should prepare a written complaint stating the nature of the grievance, the circumstances surrounding the issue, and the desired outcome.
c. The complaint should be submitted to the Internal Grievance Section within a week of the incident. The complaint should be addressed to the Head of the Department and should be submitted to the department office.
d. The Head of the Department will acknowledge the complaint and forward it to the Internal Grievance Section for further action.
e. The Internal Grievance Section will constitute a Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) comprising of the Head of the Department, a faculty member nominated by the Head of the Department, and a student representative nominated by the Head of the Department.
f. The GRC will investigate the matter and provide an opportunity to the student to present his/her case.
g. The GRC will provide its recommendations to the Head of the Department for appropriate action within a week of receiving the complaint.
h. The Head of the Department will communicate the decision to the student within three working days of receiving the recommendations of the GRC.
i. If the student is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may appeal to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution within a week of receiving the decision.
j. The Grievance Redressal Cell will constitute an Appellate Committee comprising of two senior faculty members and a student representative nominated by the Head of the Department. The Appellate Committee will investigate the matter and provide its recommendations to the Principal within a week of receiving the appeal.
k. The Principal will communicate the final decision to the student within three working days of receiving the recommendations of the Appellate Committee.

Record keeping –

All complaints, recommendations, and decisions related to the grievance will be recorded and maintained by the Internal Grievance committee.

Review –

This SOP will be reviewed annually by the Internal Grievance committee to ensure its effectiveness and appropriateness


Sr. No. Staff Name
1 Dr.Siddhesh Bandekar
2 Dr.Pradeep Taide
3 Dr.Ashutosh Deshpande

Internal Assesement Grievance Complaint Form