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8.1.1 NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the BDS programme for the preceding academic year.

  • List of students enrolled for the BDS programme for the preceding academic year- Click here
  • NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the BDS programme during the preceding academic year. – Click here
  • Any other relevant information-

8.1.2 The Institution ensures adequate training for students in pre-clinical skills

  • Geo tagged Photographs of the pre clinical laboratories – Click here
  • Any other relevant information- Click here

8.1.3 Institution follows infection control protocols during clinical teaching during preceding academic year

  • Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) Register (Random Verification by DVV) – Click here
  • Disinfection register (Random Verification by DVV) – Click here
  • Immunization Register of preceding academic year- Click here
  • Relevant records / documents for all 6 parameters- Click here

8.1.4 Orientation / Foundation courses practiced in the institution for students entering the college / clinics / internship:

8.1.5 The students are trained for using High End Equipment for Diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the Institution.

  • Invoice of Purchase- Click here
  • Usage registers- Click here
  • Geotagged photos of the facilities, and list of studentstrained in the opted facilities. – Click here

8.1.6 Institution provides student training in specialized clinics and facilities for care and treatment such as:

  • Certificate from the principal/competent authority- Click here
  • Geotagged photos of the facilities, and list of students trained in the opted facilities- Click here
  • Any other relevant information- Click here

8.1.7 Number of full-time teachers who have acquired additional postgraduate Degrees/Diplomas/Fellowships beyond the eligibility requirements from recognized centers/universities in India or abroad. (Eg: AB, FRCS, MRCP, FAMS, FAIMER & IFME, Fellowships, Ph D in Dental Education etc.) during the year

  • List of fulltime teachers with additional Degrees, Diplomas such as AB, FRCS, MRCP, FAMS, FAIMER/IFME Fellowships, Ph D in Dental Education etc. during the year. – Click here
  • Attested e-copies of certificates of postgraduate Degrees, Diplomas or Fellowships- Click here
  • Any other relevant information- Click here

8.1.8 The Institution has introduced objective methods to measure and certify attainment of specific clinical competencies by BDS students/interns as stated in the undergraduate curriculum by the Dental Council of India

  • Report on the list and steps taken by the College to measure attainment of specific competencies by the BDS students/interns stated in the undergraduate curriculum during the year. – Click here
  • Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCE/OSPE- Click here
  • List of competencies – Click here
  • Any other relevant information- Click here

8.1.9 Number of first year students, provided with prophylactic immunization against communicable diseases like Hepatitis-B during their clinical work during the year.

  • Policies documents regarding preventive immunization of students, teachers and hospital staff likely to be exposed to communicable diseases during their clinical work. – Click here
  • List of students, teachers and hospital staff, who received such immunization during the preceding academic year- Click here
  • Any other relevant information. – Click here

8.1.10 The College has adopted methods to define and implement Dental graduate attributes with a system of evaluation of attainment of such attributes.

  • Dental graduate attributes as described in the website of the College. – Click here
  • Any other relevant information. – Click here

8.1.11 Per capita expenditure on Dental materials and other consumables used for student training during the year.

  • Audited statements of accounts. – Click here
  • Any other relevant information. – Click here

8.1.12 Establishment of Dental Education Department by the College for the range and quality of Faculty Development Programmes in emerging trends in Dental Educational Technology organized by it.

  • List of seminars/conferences/workshops on emerging trends in Dental Educational Technology organized by the DEU year- wise during the year. – Click here
  • List of teachers who participated in the seminars/conferences/ workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational technology organized by the DEU of the College during the year. – Click here
  • Any other relevant information. – Click here